MHK Player SourceForge project

This page is intended to give some information on the MHK Player project.

This project is based on the description of the MHK format as available on A look inside The Link, documented by Tito Dal Canton, and others.

To use the player you will need the original data files from the Riven game. When something workable is ready, I will provide a file release with some setup instructions.

Item Status Date
debug shell
(extended as needed)
basics ongoing
GUI player started 2008-08-24
archive parsing (TOC) working 2008-08-10
resource BLST working 2009-02-03
resource CARD started 2008-08-19
resource FLST - -
resource HSPT started 2008-09-01
resource MLST - -
resource NAME working 2008-08-19
resource PLST working 2008-09-01
resource RMAP working 2009-01-11
resource SFXE - -
resource SLST - -
resource tBMP
working 2008-08-16
- -
resource tMOV - -
resource tWAV - -
resource VARS working 2009-01-11
resource VERS - -
resource ZIPS - -
resource Scripts started (10/34) 2008-09-01
resource Ext. Commands - -

Currently (2009-02-03) 4603 lines in 86.5 hours.